Become a more compassionate leader.


Sign up for a virtual lesson to get the help and support you need to advance your horsemanship!

With a virtual lesson, you’ll be able to work either live or with pre-recorded video footage to identify and work through specific struggles you might be having with your horse.  

You can book a 30 minute, 45 minute or a block of four 45-minute sessions depending on what your needs are!

Deepen your horsemanship & show up authentically

Participate from anywhere in the world!

Accelerate your learning

Build a learning & goals game-plan!

Get personalized support

Learn around your work/life schedule

What’s the difference between Virtual Lessons and the Mentorship Intensive? 

Virtual lessons are a great option if you are just getting started with Brooke and want a more broad-spectrum lesson offering that’s more specific to horsemanship. Mentorship Intensives are great if you’ve already attended a clinic with Brooke or are familiar with the work and want to expand on a specific idea in your horsemanship or work on mindset and mental roadblocks. 


The 30-minute session is available and works well if you have a specific problem that you’d like help with or if you need a check in to ensure you’re on track to achieving your goals.


The 45 minute session gives you a bit more time to work through a concept and helps develop your process and flow through a training session.  It gives us the opportunity to work together in starting and evolving through the elements of Relational Horsemanship.

4 (45-Minute) Sessions or a Virtual Clinic

The block of four 45-minute sessions offer you a bit more of a clinic style feel. We will work together in a more in-depth way to advance your horsemanship!  It’s encouraged that you spend time practicing between sessions so that we can advance through the work. Sessions should be booked relatively close together.

Brooke Rempel

“Our horses resonate with our energy, our feelings and sense our internal state. To lead a horse well then, we need to develop a sense of who we are. To know ourselves and to consistently choose how we desire to be felt by our equine partners is key to helping our horses feel heard and understood.”

Ann Pavlic

“The thoroughness that Brooke exhibited in an audited Spring clinic motivated me to begin a deep dive into Relational Horsemanship. Four virtual sessions in the Fall helped me build a confidence and trust with my mare that changed my riding in a very positive way. Only a few days later we showed in our year end reining competition and had our best results ever with ease and enjoyment.”


  • Virtual Clinics are an opportunity to get intensive support and learning from Brooke anywhere in the world! Its a great way to get back in the swing of things before clinic season starts.

  • You can use video taken on your phone, whether it’s propped on your fence or you use a Pivo, try to get footage that is clear and easy to see. We usually recommend a 10 minute video of you doing what you want support with.

  • Brooke uses Zoom for lessons with pre-recorded videos and Pivo Meet or the Pixem App. For Zoom, Brooke will send you a meeting link a few minutes before your call begins that you will be able to join via smartphone with the Zoom Meeting App, or on your computer.

  • Don’t worry! This happens when we are not logged in. Simply log (or re-login) into your Zoom account and join the link again. This should allow you to join normally. However, if you are still having troubles, reach out to Brooke directly at

Virtual Clinics