Further your horsemanship & show up authentically
Our yearly clinic schedule usually comes out between December and January and clinics fill up fast, so we advise that you sign up as soon as the schedule comes out to reserve your place. To sign up for a clinic, please reach out to the clinic host at the contact listed beside the desired clinic.
New to Brooke’s work or can’t bring your horse?
Auditing is available and encouraged at all Brooke’s in-person clinics! Simply contact the clinic host to reserve your auditing place.
Have more questions?
Check out our FAQ at the bottom of this page!
2025 Clinic Dates:
January | Virtual Month
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: brooke@heartofhorsemanship.ca
February | Virtual Offerings - Virtual Clinics and Lessons
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: brooke@heartofhorsemanship.ca
March 27-29 | Whitehorse, YT
Contact Gail Reiderer for more info: heartbarranch@yahoo.com
Mar 1-2 | Olds, AB
Contact Brie for more info: (403) 507-3292
April 21-23 | Daywork - Meanook, AB
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: brooke@heartofhorsemanship.ca
March 22-24 | Whitehorse, YT
Contact Gail Reiderer for more info: heartbarranch@yahoo.com
April 26-29 | Edmonton, AB
Contact Darlene Desharnais for more info: (780) 554-5090 or ddsark@gmail.com
May 1-4 | Kelowna, BC
Contact Mary Anderson for more info: TheNordikaCollective@gmail.com
May 24-29 | Embro, ON
Contact Dianne Denby for more info: diannedenby@gmail.com
June 14-17 | Unity, SK
Contact Paula Sittler for more info: paulasittler@rocketmail.com
June 20-23 | Jaffray, BC
Contact Tracey McDonald for more info: rosenlakesandandgravel@gmail.com
July 4-6 | Retreat - Meanook, AB
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: info@brookerempel.ca
July 14-17 | Kamloops, BC
Contact Mijane Roskil for more info: Mijane.parker@gmail.com
Jul 19-22 | Quesnel, BC
Contact Marisa McDonald for more info: Mj.mcdonald09@gmail.com
July 29-31 | Daywork - Meanook, BC
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: brooke@heartofhorsemanship.ca
Aug 22-25 | Whitehorse, YT
Contact Gail Reiderer for more info: heartbarranch@yahoo.com
Aug 12-15 | Dogs and Horses Clinic - Meanook, AB
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: brooke@heartofhorsemanship.ca
Aug 29-Sept 1 | Whitehorse, YT
Contact Gail Reiderer for more info: heartbarranch@yahoo.com
Sept 8-10 | Daywork - Meanook, AB
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: brooke@heartofhorsemanship.ca
Sept 15-18 | Kelowna, BC
Contact Mary Anderson for more info: TheNordikaCollective@gmail.com
Sept 19-22 | Kamloops, BC
Contact Mijane Roskil for more info: Mijane.parker@gmail.com
Sept 23-25 | 70 Mile House, BC
Contact Christine Mutch for more info: Sockit1960@gmail.com
Sept 27-30 | Jaffray, BC
Contact Tracey McDonald for more info: rosenlakesandandgravel@gmail.com
Oct 7-9 | Daywork - Meanook, AB
Contact Brooke Rempel for more info: brooke@heartofhorsemanship.ca
Oct 25-28 | Clavet, SK
Contact Gayle Smith for more info: sunnyplainranch@gmail.com
Oct 30-Nov 2 | Halifax, NS
Contact Jill Colwell for more info: jazzitup@eastlink.ca
Nov 4-6 | London, ON
Contact Ann Pavlic for more info: annpavlic@gmail.com
Oct 20-23 | Edmonton, AB
Contact Darlene Desharnais for more info: ddark@gmail.com
Would you like to host a clinic?
Brooke offers clinics all across Canada. If you would like to enquire about hosting a clinic near you, please let us know!
Don’t worry, we’ve got you!
Single, package or ongoing options are available. This is great for those wanting to make big changes over time and get support along their journey!
Learn More > -
Virtual Lessons
In single or packages this gives you tools to advance your horsemanship in a way that allows you time to practice in between sessions and troubleshoot your training with Brooke!
Learn More >
We advise you to leave your dog at home when auditing so everyone can stay focused during the clinic days. However, if you need to bring your dog to the clinic we ask that you contact the clinic host to ask if its acceptable at that location.
We ask that you contact the clinic host if you’d like to arrive early.
Bring a chair, weather appropriate clothing, a journal or book for note taking (if that’s your learning style!) and snacks or water for your day! Our clinic hosts provide tea and coffee for auditors and clinic participants.
It depends on the clinic offering! A 7-person clinic format typically starts at 9am and ends at 5pm with an hour break for lunch. However, it’s often best to confirm with your clinic host as weather and scheduling changes can affect our start and end times each day.
Yes we do have a waitlist for filled clinics so if there’s a clinic that you want to participate in that has been filled, please contact the clinic host about being added to the waitlist.
Yes! Brooke’s clinics focus on a holistic approach to horsemanship, starting from the ground to riding, but there is much to be learned out of the saddle and we are happy to have you!
We welcome people from all disciplines! You can ride in whatever gear you feel most comfortable in.
This is dependent on the clinic host’s facility and number of participants. It’s best to contact your clinic host and discuss!
Brooke’s availability for new clinic locations is limited currently but if you’d like to be added to the list as a potential clinic host, please contact Brooke directly at brooke@heartofhorsemanship.com